This is a list of definitions of photo editing terms, with links to articles that include them.
- Import (1)With some programs you can’t just open an image straight away, you have to import it into the software’s catalog first. This is how database-driven cataloguing programs like Lightroom, Capture One and Aperture work.
- Infra red (1)A branch of photography that uses parts of the light spectrum not normally visible to the naked eye but which can still be captured on film or digitally using black and white or color film made sensitive to infra red or a digital camera modified to remove the infra red filter that normally covers the sensor.
- IPTC data (2)IPTC is a system and a structure for storing information such as keywords, descriptions, author and copyright information developed by the International Press Telecommunications Council (IPTC) and now used widely by photo cataloguing and editing programs.
- ISO (2)This setting increases the camera sensor’s sensitivity to light. Each ISO step doubles the sensitivity, so it’s easy to use ISO as another exposure control alongside shutter speed and lens aperture. Increasing the ISO increase noise, however.