This is a list of definitions of photo editing terms, with links to articles that include them.
- Feathering (2)Creating a smooth transition between one photo and another in a montage, or between areas where different adjustments have applied. A sharp division gives the photo an unnatural look, but blending in an adjustment smoothly looks more natural. One technique is to ‘feather’ a selection before making adjustments. Blending is often used with graduated or radial filter tools.
- FilmPack (DxO) (2)A software plug-in/add-on published by DxO software. It aims to replicate the appearance of classic films and darkroom processes using film simulations, grain simulation, light leaks, borders and more.
- Film simulation (15)Software that replicates film ‘looks’ is increasingly popular perhaps because it sparks memories and associations that add another layer of complexity to an image.
- Focus stacking (2)A hardware and software technique for getting more depth of field in close-up and macro shots. You take a series of images at slightly different focus settings, then use focus stacking software to blend together the sharpest areas of each into a single image.
- Frame rate (1)'Frame rate' can have two meanings. It can be the maximum continuous shooting speed of a camera in burst mode, in 'frames per second', or it can be the number of video frames captured per second while filming video.
- Frames (1)Another word for borders applied digitally to a photo, either as a compositional aid to enclose the picture, for example a black keyline, to simulate the look of negatives or prints, or (in the worst case) to produce a pretend wood or metal frame.